Together against malnutrition in Kenya 

Don Kenya
Donate for children
With your donation, we can, for example, provide 10 families with hygiene equipment.
With your donation, we can, for example, help many families to buy food and necessities.
With your donation, we can treat three children for malnutrition, for example.

Kenya is suffering its worst drought for four decades. 

The province of Garissa, in the north-east of the country, is one of the worst affected areas. In the absence of rainfall, entire herds of cattle are dying of thirst, the land is drying up and cereal prices have soared, plunging families into food insecurity. If the situation does not improve, famine is likely to set in, with catastrophic consequences for the population.  

Children are particularly at risk from malnutrition. The lack of food slows down their physical and mental development. It weakens their immune systems, making them more susceptible to disease.  

To combat malnutrition in Garissa and strengthen the resilience of families, Tdh is setting up a programme focusing on the prevention and treatment of malnutrition in children under 5, pregnant women and nursing mothers.  

Child undergoing medical check-up in Garissa, Nigeria

Where your donations go

Directly to children

All of your donation is efficiently used, with 81% allocated to child relief projects and 19% covering administrative expenses such as for personnel, infrastructure, accounting, IT, fundraising, and the organisation’s costs incurred to successfully run activities for and with children.  

In safe hands

Certified by the ZEWO Foundation, Terre des hommes guarantees the conscientious, careful and honest use of the donations you entrust to us. Another advantage is that your donations are tax-deductible, so every year we will send you a donations statement to include with your tax return.

In a safe place 

Your payment data cannot be detected or intercepted or used by third parties. Thanks to our Datatrans payment system and use of the SSL protocol, all transactions are secure and encrypted.